[#emcasacomsesc] He Needs to Start

[#emcasacomsesc] He Needs to Start

[#emcasacomsesc] He Needs to Start

Felipe Rocha

Date and time


Recommended age: 12 years old

Tickets Free

A 35-year-old man, locked in a hotel room on a Monday off work, decides he will write a book. As he has nothing planned, he choose himself and the hotel room as a starting point for his story. The sharing of the process of creation of this text is mixed in with the situations that the author faces on feeling abducted by the Universes and characters he creates.

In Ele Precisa Começar (He Needs to Start), Felipe Rocha passes through different layers of reality and fiction, and provides a voice and a body for the many future productions he imagines. In this way, he promotes a reshuffle of the places occupied by playwright, actor, spectator and character. The actor shares the direction of the performance with Alex Cassal, with whom he founded the Foguetes Maravilha (Marvellous Rockets) Group.

Felipe Rocha
Graduate in performing arts from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Unirio), Felipe founded the Foguetes Maravilha theatre group together with Alex Cassal. In this group, he works as actor, director, and author. He was also a member of the Intrépida Trupe (Intrepid Troupe) circus group.

Text and Interpretation: Felipe Rocha
Play Directed by: Alex Cassal and Felipe Rocha
Direction of Audio-Visual Version: Alex Cassal, Felipe Rocha, Luisa Espindula and Stella Rabello
Cameras, Director of Photography, and Projections: Lucas Canavarro
Lighting: Stella Rabello
Sound: Luisa Espindula
Artistic Interlocution: Marina Provenzzano and Renato Linhares
Creation and Production: Foguetes Maravilha

Parental Guidance: 12 years

Date and time


Recommended age: 12 years old

Tickets Free


live programming | January 2021