Challenged and coordinated by Teatro del Embuste (Colombia) and Clowns de Shakespeare (Brazil)
On Zoom platform
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
On Zoom platform
Recommended age: All ages
The starting point for this creation laboratory is the reflections derived from the debate As Telas Abertas da América Latina (The Open Screens of Latin America), aiming at artists and multidisciplinary collectives. The proposal is to develop interventions to question hegemonic urban landmarks in their cities, seeking to resignify them differently.
Conducted by members of Teatro del Embuste and Clowns de Shakespeare, the activities will have the participation of Latin America’s most renowned groups: Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani (Peru), Malayerba (Ecuador) e Teatro de los Andes (Bolivia), who will share their wide-open views and knowledge.
On 11/28 the participants will meet the audience in the activity Monumentos Futuros (Future Monuments), a celebration around the artistic reflections generated in the laboratory.
Clowns de Shakespeare
Founded in 1993 in Natal, the capital city of Rio Grande do Norte, the group focuses on research and creating a theater portraying the Brazilian-Northeastern, and Latin American popular expressions. Sua Incelença Ricardo III (His Excellency Richard III) and O Capitão e a Sereia (The Captain and the Mermaid) are examples of their plays.
Teatro del Embuste
The collective was founded in 2014 with artists of different theatrical backgrounds. Either working with their own playwriting or adaptations of Latin American texts, the group seeks to involve the audience, like in the play Rebu with Jô Bilac’s text.
11/24 to 28, Wednesday to Sunday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Enroll filling in the form here
On Zoom platform
Available space: 10 (direct participation) and 20 for listeners
Simultaneous translation in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
On Zoom platform
Recommended age: All ages