[Creative process] Development and Environmental Destruction

[Creative process] Development and Environmental Destruction

[Creative process] Development and Environmental Destruction

Opening the process with Teatro da Vertigem. With Antônio Araújo, Eliana Monteiro, Guilherme Bonfanti, Bruna Menezes, Ana Manuela Chã, Caio Pompeia and Henrique Faria dos Santos

Live | Youtube @SescSantos

Date and time

11/25 • 3:00 PM to 16h00

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Duration 60 min.

Recommended age: 12 years old

Tickets Free


Simultaneous translation in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)

The members of Teatro da Vertigem present the first stage of their creative process regarding environmental and agribusiness issues. In this work in progress, the group proposes an investigation of the Brazilian rural environment, especially the Southeast and Mid-East, and extending upward towards the Northern State of Rondonia. Artists will discuss with researchers Ana Manuela Chã, Caio Pompeia and Henrique Faria dos Santos, dedicated to this subject.

Antônio Araújo
Art director of Teatro da Vertigem and professor in the Performing Arts department of the School of Art and Communications of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP). He staged the Biblical Trilogy, which includes three plays: O Paraíso Perdido (The Lost Paradise), O Livro de Jó (the Book of Job) and Apocalipse 1,11 (Apocalypse 1,11) and other works such as Bom Retiro 958 Metros and BR-3.

Bruna Menezes
Graduated in Literature and drama, she worked as a playwright assistant in Teatro da Vertigem plays O Filho (The Son) and Enquanto Ela Dormia (While She Slept). She is the author of three plays: Peso (Weight), Inundação (Flooding), and Rastros de Uma Desmemória (Traces of a non-memory).

Eliana Monteiro
Director of Teatro da Vertigem she staged plays like Kastelo, O Filho and Enquanto Ela Dormia, among others. She coordinated the stage group on Programa Vocacional and on Projeto Espetáculo das Fábricas de Cultura, both in the State of São Paulo.

Guilherme Bonfanti
He works with performing and plastic arts and is also a lighting designer, technical director, and one of the founders of Teatro da Vertigem. He is also the founder of the lighting course at SP Escola de Teatro, where he coordinates the lighting course.

Ana Manuela Chã
Master in Territorial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean by the University of the State of São Paulo (Unesp). She is the author of Agronegócio e Indústria Cultural: Estratégias das Empresas para a Construção da Hegemonia (Agribusiness and Cultural Industry: Corporate strategies to build the Agribusiness and Cultural Industry hegemony).

Caio Pompeia
Anthropologist with a Ph.D. from Unicamp conducts research in agribusiness, agrofood systems, ethnography, Indian territorial rights, and public policies. He published the article, “Agronegócio como Fenômeno Político no Brasil” (Agribusiness as a Political Phenomenon in Brazil).

Henrique Faria dos Santos
Geographer with a master’s degree from Unicamp, he is a member of the research group on Logistics, Agriculture and the Use of the Brazilian Territory at the same university. His current focus is on globalized scientific agriculture and the sugar-energy sector

On Zoom, with live transmission on YouTube do Sesc Santos
Simultaneous translation in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)
Duration: 60 min
Parental guidance: 12 years
Date and time

11/25 • 3:00 PM to 16h00

Add to Google Calendar

Duration 60 min.

Recommended age: 12 years old

Tickets Free


Simultaneous translation in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)


live programming | February 2021