Glimpses from Recife

Glimpses from Recife

Glimpses from Recife


Date and time


Recommended age: All ages

Tickets Free

I am Giordano Castro, from the Magiluth Group, and I shall give five tips for you to watch at the Miradas Digitais (Digital Glances), a trip through time, taken through navigation through these stories told in an unusual way.

The first is the episode within the Cena Inquieta (Restless Scene) series run by SESC TV, with the participation of Antikatartika, the Old Company and the Mungunzá Company, active in the downtown area of São Paulo, a theatre grouping that is very much a partner of the Magiluth Group.

The second suggested work is a webdoc created during the Mirada (Glance) Festival in 2016, with the participation of the wonderful Mexican group Vaca 35 Teatro en Grupo, who brought to Brazil a type of documentary theatre based on the food and on the Festival of the Dead, called Cuando Todos Pensaban que Habíamos Desaparecido (When We All Thought We Had Disappeared).

The third is another webdoc, this one being part of the same edition of the Mirada (Glance) Festival, with Aquela Companhia (That Company), presenting Caranguejo Overdrive (Crab Overdrive), a very interesting work project that addresses the contemporary scourges of large Brazilian cities, here considering the standpoint of  Rio de Janeiro.

Our fourth recommendation would be one of the episodes of the Dramaturgias (Dramaturgies) podcast, in which the artists talk about their thoughts and their processes of creation, this having the participation of Grace Passô, one of the most complete artists that we have in Brazil nowadays.

Finally, the fifth option is the series Teatro em Circunstância (Theatre in Circumstance) which reports on the experiences of the groups comprising young professional people, with the episode Quando a Periferia É o Centro (When the Periphery Is the Downtown). This documentary is really great. That’s it!

a theatre group based in Recife, capital of the State of Pernambuco

Date and time


Recommended age: All ages

Tickets Free


live programming | February 2021